Category Archives: Publications & Documentation

Book of Abstractions

Book of Abstractionss WWH – 2005
Dogra A, Fabian K.P., Kaistha S (ed), Manana, 2005book-of-abstractions

All reports pertaining to the Women Work Health International Congress (November 27 –30 2005) were composed and structured by Manana. These include the Concept notes of activities, Funding Report, Second Announcement (Call for papers brought out in September 2004), Book of Abstracts, Programme Schedule and Conference Booklet.

Globalisation and Women’s Work

Globalisation Guide
Globalisation and Women’s Work


A Resource Guide with Special Reference to India (1990-2005), Anshu Dogra (ed), 2005.

Globalisation has emerged as the most crucial phenomenon profoundly transforming every aspect of our world. In India, there have been significant and diverse studies done on the impact of globalisation on women’s work. However, a major assortment of work done in this field lies scattered and often unnoticed. Since many relevant publications have emerged in the past decade and often have been created in isolation, we decided to compile and create a Resource Guide that will bring about awareness of material already generated, the sources of generation and availability.

We see this effort as the first phase of a larger project with the ultimate outcome of evolving a full-fledged bibliography on Gender Studies that will be periodically updated and expanded so as to make it a dynamic and relevant resource.